As we say our final goodbyes to 2014 and look to the future (thanks Noddy Holder) lets be positive about one thing; your New Year’s resolution. Yes, the annual making of new plans is about to begin and if you, like many others, struggle to make it past January with your resolution intact, then we are here to help. Cuckooland specialises in the quirkiness of life, whether that’s promoting a quintessential home, a zany personality or just a lovely rain-mac for your Boston Terrier. We love to inject fun and creativity into everything we do, which includes helping you, our dear readers to stick to those almost impossible New Year’s resolutions. So let’s pull up those socks we all got for Christmas, grab a piece of paper and your favourite fluffy topped pen, to make the best New Year’s resolution for 2015…..
A Healthy Life is a Happy Life
The number one resolution is of course to be more healthy. After too much over indulgence with the turkey, mince pies, chocolate, beer, wine (I could continue but it would make my waist bigger) it’s only natural to want to change things for the better and really clean up your diet. The problem with most people is they believe that a complete tee-total lifestyle is required. Don’t get us wrong, it’s always good to have a detox but to cut out all indulgences in one big go is a sure fire way to bring on a chocolate binge. Subtle changes work much better, such as the way we prepare food, reducing salt and sugar intake and adding some gentle exercise into our daily routine. This will help maintain an overall lifestyle change without feeling like you’re stuck in boot camp hell. The Lotus Grill is a fabulous, healthy way to prepare food. The grill heats up in four minutes and as no cooking oil or fats are used to cook foods on the grill, it helps prepare healthier meals. Remember, it’s the small changes that make the biggest differences, so make positive swaps to increase your health in 2015.
Tighten Those Purse Strings
A healthy lifestyle is one thing but a healthier bank account is another entirely. Saving money seems almost impossible at times, especially when you have those adorable money devouring black holes, better know as children. We all need to pay for the necessities in life such as food and bills, however many people over spend due to those little purchases that add up to a whole lot of money. Those delicious coffee shop lattes which for some are the only way to wake the grey matter up in the morning soon add up when you consider having one every day. Our advise is to get organised. Have a monthly budget for disposable income and stick to it. Also invest in things that will save you money overtime such as the Seyver Wallet. This handle wallet is also a phone charger which can charge your phone on the go. If you’re anything like us this will save you a fortune over the year on replacing misplaced phone chargers!
Broaden Your Horizons
There is nothing more life changing than a good bit of travel and for many people travel is on the top of the bucket list. So this New Year why not look to broaden your horizons with a trip to a far off destination. The ideal travel destination will be different for everyone; some like the idea of glacier walking, in which case you will definitely need some Nordic grip boots with non Slip IceLock technology to get over those slippery ice planes. But whatever your dream destination we recommend an extensive amount of research before heading off on your travels. Getting the low down on your chosen destination is just the first step. You should also consider if special travel insurance is required, or if you need any vaccinations and emergency contact information just incase you find yourself surrounded by a band of crazed Spider monkeys. To help manage all of this we recommend a Caribee Travel and Document Wallet. The Caribee Travel Wallet is a smart wallet that can store all of your documentation and generally requirements such as visa and passports safely. Never be caught short on your travels again.
Learn Something New
We know you are a learned bunch of readers who embrace new experiences, so plans to learn something new in 2015 goes without staying. But what will your new skill be?? Is it to become the next Bake Off Star? If it is but you don’t know your ounces from your bakers dozen, then we recommend easing into a the skill of baking with the Kids Flower Pot bread making kit. This oh so easy peasy bread making kit is perfect for adults and kids alike and is perfect for a family of beginners. Or if you want to throw yourself in at the deep end try the Mozzarella Cheese Making kit, loved by foodies and diary farmers, this little kit will have you making your own delicious cheese in no time.
We would love to hear from our readers so why not comment below on your New Year’s Resolutions and share the fun.