Super Storage to Celebrate Clean Your Room Day!

Clean Your Room Day officially arrived on May 10th to the delight of parents everywhere. This little-known holiday has its roots in hundreds of years of the spring cleaning tradition. It’s a chance to tell your wee ones there’s a genuinely amazing reason to get their bedroom spick and span – because everyone else will be doing it, and who likes being left out?

In honour of this much-needed motivation for messy kids, Cuckooland has come up with a few ideas to make your clean smooth and successful. Even if your tot or teenager’s bombsite presents a Herculean challenge, our storage solutions are more than up to it, and you’ll be surprised just how much you can pack away when spare floor space is thin on the ground.

So without further delay, jump into our array of storage items, sure to be a neat treat for any clean-up operation…

Thinking Inside the Box

A general starting point for chaotic bedrooms is to ensure you have enough storage boxes available for any quick tidying jobs. The more places your child has to put their things, the more they’ll be encouraged to clean on the go, diminishing the chance of pile-ups and lost toys. The classic Children’s Toy Box by Churchfield will meet all of your tyke’s needs, available in a choice of 22 soothing colours and specially designed to prevent fingers being hurt on the lid, making it perfect for growing tots.

churchfield toybox

Churchfield Childrens Toy Box from £108.95

For kids with a cool streak, we love Fun Furniture’s VW Camper Van Toy Chest, a real work of art that has to be seen to be believed! Entice your young ones with the pull of the open road by choosing this accurately-rendered VW chest, and transform basic storage into a scene-stealing centrepiece for the kids’ bedroom. Wishing for a speedy clean has never been easier when this iconic vehicle is there for inspiration.

VW Campervan Toy Chest From £690

VW Campervan Toy Chest From £690

But how about books, we hear you ask? Little bookworms are catered for too, courtesy of the Sling Bookshelf by Kid Kraft. In pretty shades of calming pastel, it’s made up of a wooden backing with soft canvas to secure your kid’s astray reading material, and any other bits and bobs they find on the way. And as their library grows, make their love of literature blossom with our Tess Tree Bookcase, a brilliant feature for their bedroom.

Sling Book Shelf from £62.95

Sling Book Shelf from £62.95

Cleaning All Wrapped Up

One of the goals of Clean Your Room Day is to make tidying fun and (dare we say it) an active sign of your child’s independence. So give them a wardrobe or drawer set that’s a feast for the eye, and you’re bound to instil a sense of pride into your budding little minion.

With 14 different compartments, the Oliver Furniture Children’s Luxury Three-Door Wardrobe will give your child plenty of space to sort and organise their growing pile of clothes and treasures. Built from Scandinavian timber, the shelves inside are customisable, meaning this wardrobe will keep up with your boy or girl as they race into their teens.

Oliver Furniture White Wardrobe from £1675

Oliver Furniture White Wardrobe

Make your little princess feel like Cinderella awaiting her summons for the ball as she tidies away her room, with a wardrobe that’s just perfect for a themed bedroom. It’s hard to go wrong with the Kids Wardrobe in Volute Design, ideal for prospective princes and princesses across the land on a quest to keep their precious belongings in order.

Kids Wardrobe in Volute Design

Kids Wardrobe in Volute Design from £1180

Tidy Room, Tidy Mind

When bedtime arrives, easily tuck away those toys, gadgets and gizmos to help your little monster drift off into the land of nod. A tidy room is a tidy mind, after all! Built with light but durable materials, we love the Dennis Kids Bedside Table by Woood. Available in a choice of white or grey, they’ll see to the cornucopia of bedside mess without any issues.

Dennis Kids Bedside Table

Dennis Kids Bedside Table from £85

If your child has reason to sit down with pen and paper – studious teenagers included – it might be a good punt to invest in the Max Contemporary Kids Desk for storing all their loose stationery. We know how annoying it is to get flustered with mounds of random paperwork, so teach them to nip mess in the bud, and marvel at this item’s pared-down, grown-up sense of style.

Max Contemporary Kids Desk

Max Contemporary Kids Desk from £220

Sleeping on the Job

Maximising space in the kids’ bedroom doesn’t have to mean stacking towers of drawers beside each other. Having storage capabilities in a bedframe is an underrated way to stay tidy, and it can result in some fascinating furniture pieces chock full of ingenuity and aestheticism.

For a bed that truly covers all the bases, we’re in awe of the Parisot Kids Swan Mid Sleeper by Kids Avenue.
With its own bookcase, drawers, cupboard and pull-out desk, this is a veritable Swiss-army-knife of cleaning and sleeping contentment. There are shelf bars for safety, and certain sections can be manoeuvred at will, to accommodate even the cosiest of bedrooms.

Parisot Kids Swan Mid Sleeper

Parisot Kids Swan Mid Sleeper from £579

Less complex, but equally attractive, is the Hornblower Sleeper Bed from Julian Bowen. It has an astonishing three drawers underneath a pull-out bed, so it’s basically three pieces of furniture in one! It’s very economical for rooms with limited space, and has a charming, timeless design that won’t go out of fashion as your house proud angel becomes more independent.

Hornblower Sleeper Bed

Hornblower Sleeper Bed from £274

Teaching your kids to look after their room takes a little patience, but give it time and invest in storage, and eventually your children are bound to click with your cleaning routine. If life has a lesson in store for all of us, it’s that we all end up thanking our parents for making us the sensible grown-ups we are by the time we fly the nest, right?

Whatever developmental stage your child is at, Clean Your Room Day is a cause for celebration with some of these striking purchases lightening the load. Browse our full collection of childrens storage essentials to get your little one’s room in ship shape.

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