There’s something so cathartic about BBQ’ing. Its Saturday afternoon and let’s take a look around- there’s a drink in your one hand, a tick for ‘stress-free smiley face’. And for this lazy culinary duel – BBQ Tongs in the other. Around you, friends and family reminiscing and cracking old jokes, another tick for smiley face. On the table there’s a bottle of burgundy (or an ice bucket of cold beers) and freshly marinated meat primed and ready to grill – ahh, I’m feeling better already! Then there’s the primitive hunter gatherer side of the whole experience, the ‘me grill food by man cave (but it’s your beautiful home too sweetheart)’ followed by the ‘me great cook (but only outside darling)’ and then the equally misguided assumption ‘me cooked, me not wash up dishes.’
It’s the sun on our backs, the swaying hymn of grain and grape and the nostalgic sizzle of flavours in the air… while the embers mimic our every breath. These are the precise reasons I love to BBQ.
Given the choice I would BBQ every day of the week if it wasn’t so expensive and so time consuming. Thankfully there’s something called the Lotus BBQ Grill. Here’s the Top 5 Reasons we stock them, why I wrestled a sample away from the Cuckooland team and why a Lotus BBQ should find its way into your life!
- Quick and Easy to Cook on. You can BBQ whenever you get the urge – thanks to the safe, battery powered fan with its ‘bellows effect’ that sends coals from zero to a perfect BBQ’ing glow in 3-4minutes!
- Healthy Cooking. Thanks to smokeless coals! The speed at which the fan passes air over the coals means the coals don’t have time to loiter around and smoke.
- Healthy Eating. Fat drains off into the ‘weir’ (a really nice touch is the grill ‘plate’ that stops fat from dripping onto the coals too).
- Safe to Touch. Even when you’re grilling you can carry the Lotus BBQ Grill from A to B. Coals burn safely in a steel container in the double-layered inner bowl. So it’s nice and mobile!
- Quick and Easy to Clean. Wipe the grill and inner bowl clean (a quick soak if they need). Grill and inner bowl are also Dishwasher safe.
And two more reason’s for luck:
- Adjustable Temperature Control. Turn on the fan to stoke up those coals! As any BBQ’ing nut will profess, this is a brilliant feature.
- Far Cheaper than Conventional BBQ’ing. Because you use a fraction of the coals you would normally use!
Whether its home BBQ’ing; portable BBQ’ing; BBQ’ing on Holiday; BBQ’ing by the beach, river, lake, forest, mountain pass; BBQ’ing solo or with friends or family, the Lotus BBQ Grill is probably the best looking and most practical BBQ on the market today.
Finally proving that you can put a price on fun… its £129!